Do you know someone who just radiates their faith? Is that you?
Ever wonder if you are the only one struggling to keep your faith strong?
Do you ever struggle with maintaining a solid rock faith?

You are not alone.

If you sometimes struggle with your faith walk, An Upward Climb toward Faith has been written for you. In this book, Jackie addresses how we all struggle from time to time. Learn some steps to put your faith on a more solid ground.

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An Upward Climb toward Faith

An Upward Climb Toward Faith is the story of one woman’s journey to reconnect with the God of her youth. Jackie Phillips shares details about her “faith walk” and “faith climb” as she travels through different stages of life. She reveals how challenging it is to do the right thing all the time.

As a young woman, she witnessed her mother demonstrate Christian faith daily. Images of her mother praying are etched into her mind like scenes in a movie. With those memories tucked away, young Jackie left home for college thinking she could handle life on her own and forgot about God. Eventually, she realized that without God, her life was empty. Travel on this walk with her. Whether you are a person of faith or not, you will walk away from this book feeling compelled to read God’s word for yourself.


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